Callahan & Associates

Callahan's Report Bundle

This bundle includes all three of Callahan's annual reports:  State of the Industry (2022), Market Supplier Share Guide: Credit Union Auditors (2023), and Market Share Guide: Credit Union Core Processors (2023).

The State of the Industry contains in-depth information for credit unions from all 50 states, plus a fascinating snapshot of industry performance. This document is especially useful for credit unions interested in partnerships with cooperatives within their region.

Callahan & Associates’ 2023 Supplier Market Share Guide: Credit Union Auditors is the industry’s only publication designed specifically to help credit unions understand the auditor market and choose a CPA partner.

Callahan & Associates’ 2023 Supplier Market Share Guide: Credit Union Core Processors helps leaders fully understand the performance and strengths of core processors in the credit union space, gain a better handle on data processing options, and identify possible new partners to better serve the credit union’s needs.